So typical! Literally on the heels of yesterday\’s post about the new direction of Gilda Prsesents! since Grey Forge LeFey\’s move to southern California, the artist announces the sudden departure of Gilda herself.
According to director Grey: \”I guess it was inevitable. The legendary Gilda is an East Coast lady, and although the intent was to make her transcontinental, she just decided her heart is back in Yonkers. She informed me last night that she is retiring to her personal pursuits, and effective immediately, turns the reins over to her protégé and dear friend, our very own SoFonda LeFey.\”

According to Mx LeFey, \”Gilda was always much more of a behind-the-scenes presence, nobody ever saw her. Our presence in SoCal needs a face, someone who is willing to meet the people, you know? Grey will continue to do the producing and directing, but I\’ll be happy to attend the Red Dress parties and such, and represent the organization in a whole new direction.\”
Beginning today, work is established to transform Gilda Shedstecker Presents! into SoFonda Presents! and will continue as the performing arts branch of Curmudgeon and Codger, LTD. Discussions are in progress for at least two new stage productions, and a one woman show for Mx SoFonda herself.
Said Grey, \”I\’ll miss Gilda, I really will. That old girl gave me the cojones and support to break into new territory when I needed it most. I owe so much of my life today to her. I wish her well.\”