
Hell, with the Holidays by Grey Forge LeFey

What’s your problem, sis?

Hell, with the Holidays by Grey Forge LeFey

Mother and Dad haven’t co-habitated in a very long time. Dad is wise but manipulative, Mom is a passionate firebrand. They’ve produced a great number of offspring, several of whom are now brought together under phony circumstances. The children include a power hungry business woman, a reverent pacifist, a partying sensualist, a serial lothario and the world’s greatest altruist suffering from operational exhaustion.

They are also some of the most mythic beings the world has ever known: Father Time, Mother Nature, Halloween, Easter, Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas, each preoccupied with their own followers and traditions. Still, when they come together, as families do, old jealousies arise and tempers flare. Who the hell invited Krampus, anyway? And behind it all, a plot to destroy them all.

First produced in 2015 to audience acclaim, this comedy has evolved through several rewrites to become a classic suitable for any time of year, but especially at Christmastime.

Go O)n With Your Wind by Grey Forge LeFey

I won’t think about that today,

I’ll ponder that in the morning!

Go On With Your Wind by Grey Forge LeFey

This boisterous send-up of the beloved cinema classic Gone with the Wind starts with gender switching, innuendo, double entendre, rolls through forbidden love during the Civil War, sasses the audience with asides about working in racist Hollywood, and disrespects the dead. All on one single unit set with no staircase! *

Spoilitt O’Hairy is torn between a fantasy relationship with ineffectual Freshly Wilted and her heart’s tumultuous desire for the scoundrel Thrett Cutlet. Along with Melancholy Cameltoe, Aunt FlippyFlop, Mamsy, and an incomparable cast of characters, the complete 4 hour plot is skewered in an irreverent 2 Act play.

First produced in 2016 to critical acclaim and audience delight, this comedy originally ran 3 hours but ruthless editing has trimmed it to about 2 thoroughly enjoyable hours, depending on audience laughter.

*With respect to The Carol Burnett Show and Bob Mackie, there is no joke in this play about the curtain dress.

Who could ever do it better?

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