What a feeling!

\"GildaSo I\’m working on a revision of the stage parody we produced 2 years ago, Go On With Your Wind. It was a huge undertaking and a ton of fun, but the show clocked at a good 3+ hours. It needs tightened and trimmed, but I was told by an objective someone whose opinion I value: this show needs to be published. One of the best parts about revision: making it better, funnier, sharper.

So I\’m sitting in the studio at l\’Auberge working feverishly on my script, and my husband, Khrysso, is sitting in the studio working on a piece of art, and he asks for my opinion and some technical input, and I send him a PDF of my latest draft for editing, and to get his feedback. I\’m laughing at my own comedy, and marveling at his colors and his design, and we pause to discuss some plans for giving back to the community.

This is a dream come true. It\’s so incredible, this feeling of rightness, of goodness, of well-being. It\’s been such a long journey to get to this place that I never imagined existed. There is so much love in this world, safety in this home. Our daughter is chatting with her boyfriend and watching funny videos. Our best friend, Patti, our Mrs. Madrigal, is playing her dulcimer and we all break to watch some Father Brown.

This place has a flood of friends who do not feel the need to judge one another, who practice love without question, who cast the net of grace and charity and service so widely. I am so blessed to be here. I don\’t know how it happened, I don\’t know how this dream came true, I only know I am grateful beyond measure.

So then, the rogue, Thrett Cutlet says to the vixen, Spoilitt O\’Hairy, \”Why? Maybe it\’s because I\’ve always had a weakness for hopeless causes, and you\’re really hopeless. Or maybe, maybe there\’s some other reason that\’s been cut from the script. Who knows?\”



©2018 The Artists LeFey LLC

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