
What has fangs and horns and goes “Ho. Ho. Ho?”

Yes! It’s that time of year: jingle, mistle, golden rings! All those traditional Christmas trappings, familiar and safe — but wait! There’s something rotten under the tree that\’s never been seen before… It’s the new and final revision to a Gilda Shedstecker Presents! Yuletide twist. Opening December 8th at the Kathleen Howland theatre, it’s Hell, […]

What has fangs and horns and goes “Ho. Ho. Ho?” Read More »

And what a summer!

Since May. That\’s a relatively long chunk of time and a really long time not to report on a blog. But so much has happened in the past 5 months! In May, my art partner Linda Alexander-Radak and I decided to close down our shared art space at Avenue Arts Marketplace (formerly 2nd April Galerie).

And what a summer! Read More »

Only one David Bowen

If you\’re lucky in this life you become friends with someone like David Bowen. He liked to appear crusty and was a bit of a curmudgeon (so naturally we had that in common) but his first response to everyone was kindness and an offering of generosity. He was funny, creative, smart, and brave. And then,

Only one David Bowen Read More »

Kitty Deames Burgett

New Life for Miss Daisy

2017 has been a tough year for Gilda Shedstecker Presents! Our productions were derailed by trials and tragedy these past 8 months. It began at the beginning when we grimly determined that our initial offering of Driving Miss Daisy in January would have to be cancelled when her leading lady, our Miss Kitty Deames Burgett, was diagnosed with cancer

New Life for Miss Daisy Read More »

You have no idea!

My last post was celebrating another Spring, another year of Sheri surviving and seeing things turn green since her first serious medical trial 20 years ago. I highlighted the truly ridiculous list of physical challenges she had overcome in those 20 years, and 16 days after that post, she was gone, having finally succumbed to

You have no idea! Read More »

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