Teach Your Children Well

Our fairy tale (yes, I said it)

I remember when Khrysso asked me to marry him on Thanksgiving Day last year. Our relationship took off like a rocket after we started dating in August, so he might have asked me before that, too, but that\’s the one that sticks as official. He understood the complex circumstances around my separation from Sheri, and […]

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We all know fear

Wow. The world turns, and turns topsy-turvy. I sure didn\’t expect the 2016 Presidential election to go as it did, but it really makes me consider the Big Picture. And one thought that I must now consider is how afraid a lot of people must be. More than anything else, fear is a great motivator.

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for everything a season

Blogs are funny things. We post stuff out here on the internet we want people to know, sometimes news about our businesses (in my case art and theatre), and sometimes musings about our lives. I think the performer in me finds it much easier to address an audience than the introvert in me finds it

for everything a season Read More »

The Nineveh Principle

I don\’t believe in the doctrine of predestination, that God has an absolute plan for every moment of your life down to what necktie you\’ll choose to wear today. I\’m an artist. I know that God sculpted into me that spark of creativity that is an adventure of exploring possibilities, and I have no doubt,

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A Matter of Pride in Canton

An anonymous quote states it well, \”Gay Pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a Straight Pride movement, be thankful you don’t need one.\” What began as Gay Pride has enlarged to include the LGBT community, and

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