Sometimes the curtain falls early

It is with sincere regret that I have to announce the cancellation of Every Christmas Story Ever Told (and then some)! For those of you who don\’t know, I was hospitalized with an arrhythmic heart beat a week ago, less than two weeks before the show was scheduled to open. The good news is that my cardiac and pulmonary systems seem to be in great shape. From what the doctor in the hospital was willing to prognose, I need to see somebody about reducing stress. At any rate, I didn\’t feel the responsible thing to do at this point was to begin tech rehearsals and involve more lovely people (and sell tickets!) in the hopes that we could get through it all and me not have a blow out. One of the hazards of little theatre: operating without the safety net of understudies.

But I have to thank the irrepressible Jackie Dietz, the delightful Dan Fritz, and the venturesome David Bowen for the time they put into rehearsing this delightful show. The rehearsal process was play, much inventiveness, much laughter, and much fun work. I wouldn\’t trade it for anything! In addition, I want to thank Holly Barstow Riley and Linda Alexander-Radak for the early assist and encouragement that helped grease the wheels. We are blessed to have these fine and generous people as an integral part of the team here at GSP! so you can be sure they\’ll be involved in another production sometime soon. And finally, a huge thanks to Todd Walburn and Brennis Booth for our home in the Kathleen Howland Theatre at 2nd April Galerie. Thank you, my friends! Something to look forward to NEXT Christmas!!

So from all of us at Gilda Shedstecker Presents!

Merry Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!!

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