You have no idea!

My last post was celebrating another Spring, another year of Sheri surviving and seeing things turn green since her first serious medical trial 20 years ago. I highlighted the truly ridiculous list of physical challenges she had overcome in those 20 years, and 16 days after that post, she was gone, having finally succumbed to […]

You have no idea! Read More »

Sheri Roberts Tennant

Happy Green, Sheri!

I know I\’ve told this story to a number of people before, but here it is again for the uninitiated. In October of 1997, Sheri and I celebrated our 14th anniversary, and she was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. It was an incredibly scary time for us. Just heading into Fall, with all the Ohio landscape

Happy Green, Sheri! Read More »

In the wake of a new era

We wake to a new day and new information and find we need to reassess our position. It\’s always been my intent to make the Gilda company one of kindness and acceptance and tolerance and a safe place. And it\’s been my need to make Gilda shows vehicles for escape and laughter, with maybe a

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We all know fear

Wow. The world turns, and turns topsy-turvy. I sure didn\’t expect the 2016 Presidential election to go as it did, but it really makes me consider the Big Picture. And one thought that I must now consider is how afraid a lot of people must be. More than anything else, fear is a great motivator.

We all know fear Read More »

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