Curtain up!


Welcome to the new web site for Gilda Shedstecker Presents!

I\’m so excited to introduce this site as a \”coming of age\” for GSP! Our first production of Confessions from the Ladies Room by Shane Riggs in 2012 was more of a project, a singular play I really, really wanted to direct, and with the available venue of the Kathleen Howland Theater, it was born. And it was one of the most gratifying experiences I\’ve ever had in 30 odd years of theatre. The extraordinary cast and crew melded so well with such a spirit of camaraderie and good will, I\’d only experienced anything remotely like it once before. It set the tone for a theatre where the focus is for creative individuals to work together to encourage and support each other, to allow each of them to shine, and for the experience not to be tarnished by any backstage crap. And it was magic. The company saw each other through unorthodox casting, the sorrow of a lost parent right before opening, an absentee South American who turned out to be Australian, and they did it all with courtesy, good humor and compassion.

So we tried it again with our spring production of Sordid Lives by Del Shores. And magic happened again, with a nearly all-new group of people – some old friends and some new faces – who came together with that same sense of willingness to be friends who had the common business of a good show to do. With very few bumps in the road, Sordid Lives was another artistic triumph and a very real pleasure for everybody involved.

So it occurs to me that theatre does not have to be fraught with back-stage drama. It does not have to be a balancing act of big egos and bad manners. It can be an extraordinarily happy and fun experience for people who really just want to make good theatre. The actors get to stretch and grow and fly, the audience gets to laugh and cry and go, \”Wow! That was really good!\”

And so Gilda Shedstecker Presents! becomes a real company, with more than just a single project in the works. We will be doing a show this October specially for Halloween, and I think I\’ve got something even sooner up my sleeve,. Stay tuned for announcements.

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